it has been a real eye opener and a get to know one another experience for sure. We definitely were all ready to return home and even though a great time was had we were getting pretty sick of living in the camper trailer and undoing zips!!!! I would be happy to never have to undo another zip for a long time:)
Well this is my last travel post I hope those that have been reading and following along have enjoyed our little journey but all good things come to an end:(
This blog will continue however but with a different theme as as the title reads it is about my life.
As some of you may know I have decided to take a different route in life and head towards a career in a not so mainstream area but one that whether like it or not you are all part of and that is the Stock Market. We all have super accounts some have share investments through fund managers, others do a little stock trading etc So we are all exposed to a different degree. Anyway basically I am going full tilt into it and learning about how it all works, how economy's relate to each other and hopefully make some money along the way. But to me it is not just about making money it is a progression to a better way of life for Myself and the family. So as most of you on the email list that this goes out to won't really understand what I will be discussing, I am taking everyone off the mailing list as I only am allowed 10 addresses these will be taken up with fellow graduates and my coach, if you wish to check out what is going on from time to time just bookmark the page and have a look every now and then. Till we meet again
Broome What can I say????? We lived here for 8 years and it holds some very special memories and some very close friends live there. The colours are outstanding and a photographers paradise from the ocean to the red cliffs and white sandy beaches.
We stayed for longer than expected as we were waiting on parts for the trailer as we were still having running gear problems, the manufacturer stood up and replaced all the running gear and upgraded the brakes for us to 12" electric off road which i must say is a huge difference in stopping power and has taken a fair bit of load of the cruiser!
The kids had a ball catching up with friends and playing on the beach, I had a great time flying on Cable Beach landing into magnificent sunsets:)
Deb's had a great time catching up with close friends and getting to relax as there were no deadlines.
Our close friends John and Sally let us stay at there property at 12mile and we had a ball just hanging by there pool and socializing (guys I never actually took any photos sorry). We also stayed at Gavin and Sarah's house in town also a swimming pool and many great meals and conversations were had I am missing these guys already.
Weather was sensational up there water was perfect temperature and well it was just Bloody Fantastic.
Anyways thanks for being a part of our life over the last year. I hope you enjoyed and got something out of it and remember live life and take every opportunity you can before it gets taken away.
Nice Catch Gav
Almost Nice Catch Gav
Sarah and Deb's - Out to Party

The Kids Playing

Time To Leave Broome:(

The Whole Town Was Glad To See The Back Of Us
Fishing The Fitzroy - Unexpected Catch
Stand Off
About 6ft long